Túnel Russo (Full version) gay short film “Russian Tunnel”
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Film about the police brutality in dealing with homosexual publlic demonstration of affection. A gay couple is harassed and tortured because they are kissing on the streets of Rio. Film chosen for the compilation of the”Best Brazilian Short Films of 2008″ by Eduardo Cerveira (Director of the festival “Feminafest”)
director contact; msn: maucouti@hotmail.com
Filme sobre o abuso de poder por parte da polícia. Um casal gay é detido na rua por estarem se beijando e são submetidos a vários abusos e ofensas culminando em tragédia. Filme escolhido para a coletânea dos “Melhores curta metragens do Brasil 2008” de Eduardo Cerveira (diretor do FEMINAFEST)
director contact; msn: maucouti@hotmail.com
Túnel Russo (Full version) gay short film “Russian Tunnel”
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